Resveratrol Reduces Testosterone and DHEAS in PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

Resveratrol, a natural polyphenol, reduced serum levels of both testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), in a small double-blind study. As reported in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology: 1,500 mg of resveratrol, a natural polyphenol, was beneficial at lowering total testosterone levels by over 23%. PCOS affects an estimated […]
What Will You Do When Disaster Strikes?

“Advance preparation is a key defense for chronic disease management during emergencies.” When you’re dealing with a chronic medical condition like diabetes, diligence and preparation are key. But when an emergency situation or natural disaster strikes at your home or workplace – whether fires or floods, hurricanes, blizzards or even something like an unexpected auto […]
Before Using Prescription Medication for Diabetic Neuropathy – Try These Supplements

Clinical studies suggest use of benfotiamine (a specific form of B1) and methylcobalamine (a specific form of B12) with right alpha lipoic acid can reduce neuropathy in as little as 3 weeks… Years of clinical studies have proven that these ingredients work at eliminating unwanted symptoms from nerve pain. In fact, many of the studies […]
Going To The Grocery? Making A List Will Help You Make Better Choices.

Americans are increasingly shopping from places other than grocery stores — like warehouse clubs and convenience stores — and have been purchasing unhealthier foods, according to a new study. According to Dr. Ichiro Kawachi, chair of social and behavioral sciences at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, “The typical supermarket these days is carefully […]
The Google and Diabetes Connection

Technology platform giant GOOGLE, via their Life Sciences division, is using their expertise in electronic miniaturization along with their data collecting/ sharing abilities to team up with Dexcom, makers of a popular Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensor shown above (CGMS) to make much smaller continuous monitoring device that might be as small as a dime and […]
Have Diabetes, Will Travel

Traveling With Diabetes Having diabetes should not stop you from doing the things you love, and that includes traveling. Below is a collection of sources on traveling with diabetes: From Empower Your Health: Travel Check List To help you pack for your trip, here is a checklist of supplies to take: Diabetes pills, insulin in […]
Can Eating This Healthy Breakfast Help Lower Your Risk for Diabetes?

What’s for breakfast? Yogurt would be a good choice according to a report in BMC Medicine. Having a 1 cup serving of yogurt a day might decrease your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 18%. Zendocrinology’s Spin: Yogurt is a staple of the Mediterranean diet which has been shown to have health benefits in […]
Lactose Intolerant and Hypothyroid?

Are you hypothyroid and have been told your T4 dose requirement is too high? Lactose intolerance can be one of the reasons you need a higher dose of thyroid replacement than what is typical. A study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism reported that those with lactos intolerance required 1.72 mcg/kg of T4 […]