Diet Soda – Should You Drink It?

Diet soda – should you drink it? Probably not!


For years we have noticed that avid diet soda drinkers struggle with their weight, blood sugar control, and other features of the “metabolic syndrome.” Some of the theories are that the sweetness of artificial sweeteners tricks your brain into thinking here comes something good … but then it doesn’t. Your body is flooded with hormones expecting some incoming sugar. You are then left hungry and often end up consuming more calories. Other negative effects can include the difficulty our body has in processing artificial substances and increases our insulin resistance. Newer research has linked alterations in our gut microbiomes (bacteria) which can increase our risks for a host of illnesses including increased belly fat, insulin resistance, worsening blood sugar control. The chemicals and artificial sweeteners might alter our gut micro biomes.

So, what to do? Drink WATER. Our bodies were made to have plain water as our source of water after we were weaned from mother’s milk. Our water does not need to be flavored, or be sweet. For those of you who just can’t stand plain old water, you can flavor infuse it by putting some slices of fruit into a pitcher of water in your fridge. Lemon and lime are good.

Any beverage other than water should be an occasional treat.


“Artificial sweeteners induce glucoseintolerance by altering the gut microbiota” Jotham Suez1, Tal Korem2*, David Zeevi2*, et al NATURE: 9 OCTOBER 2014 | VOL 514 | NATURE | 181

Sharon P.G. Fowler, Ken Williams and Helen P. Hazuda. “Diet Soda Intake Is Associated with Long-Term Increases in Waist Circumference in a Biethnic Cohort of Older Adults: The San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging”. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, March 17, 2015 DOI: 10.1111/jgs.13376

Have Fibromyalgia – Need to Get Moving



Excerpt from MD News: “Exercise has an analgesic effect over time,” Merriwether told MD Magazine. “It may a hurt a little bit, or even a lot, in the beginning, but once you get past that threshold it has an analgesic effect.”

“Women with fibromyalgia who are highly active (VIG) report lower pain intensity and low pain severity than moderately active (MOD) or physically inactive (SED) women,” the authors wrote.

The VIG group walked more than 10,000 steps a day!

That might seem daunting at first, but as time goes on and your pain lessens, it is an achievable goal!

Full story here:—Heres-Why

Presented at the 34th Annual American Pain Society Scientific Meeting

Cruciferous Confusion


Did you skip out on the cabbage on St. Pat’s day because you read somewhere that cruciferous vegetables are “goitrogens” and bad for your thyroid?

Is this true?

Answer: Not exactly.

What are cruciferous vegetables?

Cruciferous vegetables to the family Brassica (see list below) and are low calorie nutrition power houses packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. These are all good for you. “Goitrogens” are isothiocyanates and thiocyanates found in these vegetables. They might improve your immune system and lower your cancer risk.

A negative effect on thyroid function has only been shown in animal model studies. A negative effect has not been shown in humans. There might be a negative effect on your thyroid function only if you are low in iodine intake and eat an excessive amount of raw cruciferous vegetables daily. So, two to three spears of lightly steamed broccoli is okay with your dinner, two to three pounds of broccoli, maybe not.

Cruciferous vegetables: Arugula, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collard Greens, Horseradish, Kale, Mustard Greens, Radishes, Rutabaga, Turnips, Wasabi, Watercress